
How To Hypnotize A Woman Secretly

How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

 How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

Do you know how to hypnotize someone without them knowing? If not, and you'd like to learn, you're in the right place!

To be honest, if you were to make a survey asking people which ability they would like to have, there is a strong possibility that hypnosis would be one of the most sought-after ones on the list. There is a great reason for that!

Having the ability to make someone follow your every command is nothing short of astounding, but it also takes time to learn. That's why you need to master the right techniques before you even attempt to do so.

In this article, you'll get to read a detailed step-by-step guide that will teach you everything you need to know about hypnotizing someone without their knowledge. But before you get to the exciting part, you should take a minute to learn about what hypnosis is.

What is Hypnosis?


Hypnosis is typically described as a sleep-like state, however, this description isn't all too accurate. Essentially, hypnosis is better defined as a trance-like mental state during which a person will experience heightened concentration and attention.

More importantly, during this state, the person that is being hypnotized will become highly suggestible, and will likely experience vivid fantasies. A person in a hypnotic state will seem as if they're zoned out or even asleep when in reality, they are actually in a state of hyper-awareness.

Hyper-awareness is a state during which a person is intensely focused on their surroundings. During this state, the person's ability to absorb information will significantly increase, and they will become highly susceptible to the commands of the person who is hypnotizing them.

There are a plethora of misconceptions about hypnosis and whether or not it is harmful. But when used right, it could prove to be an incredibly useful therapeutic tool with plenty of health benefits.

Anxiety and Stress Reduction

Anxiety and stress come in all shapes and forms. What's more, everyone deals with them in a different way. Unfortunately, some forms of anxiety and stress are pretty difficult to conquer, which is why hypnosis can prove to be a useful tool.

For example, some relaxation techniques can do wonders to ease symptoms of stress and anxiety. Some of these techniques include breathing exercises that will help soothe and calm a person down. Others will include visualization techniques such as envisioning a tranquil environment.

Regardless of the technique, hypnosis can help ease anxiety and stress levels by helping the body activate its natural relaxation response. This can be accomplished through a phrase or even a nonverbal cue that will encourage the body to slow down breathing, lower blood pressure, and instill a calming soothing feeling.

Insomnia and Sleepwalking

Insomnia and sleepwalking can be difficult to cure. But the right hypnosis techniques will ultimately help relax the person suffering from these symptoms.

Insomnia typically stems from the inability to relax. Consider this: when you're anxious, you typically can't concentrate on anything other than your anxiety, and what's causing it. Some hypnosis techniques can help steer your thoughts away from your problems, and help you concentrate on something more soothing.

Sleepwalking, on the other hand, can be quite dangerous if you're known to wander outside.

Hypnosis for sleepwalking can help teach your body to wake up as soon as your feet touch the ground.

What is Covert Hypnosis?

Covert Hypnosis

Covert hypnosis may sound as if it's something straight out of a spy movie, but in actuality, it's something that you see every day!

For example, have you noticed that when you're enthralled in a good TV show or movie, time seems to fly by? Or when you're reading something incredibly engaging, you seem to forget all about the world around you? You start to visualize the details within the book, and you're transported into that carefree place in your imagination.

This experience is typically accompanied by a warm, fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach that ultimately spreads to the rest of your body. A feeling that all is right with the world, and you're completely safe. That's the feeling of covert hypnosis.

A Brief History of Hypnosis

History of Hypnosis

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Not many people are aware of this, but hypnosis is actually an ancient art. What's more, it's as ancient as the art of magic, sorcery, and medicine.

Scientifically, the history of hypnosis dates back to the 18th century, with the most prominent hypnotist being Franz Mesmer. This German physician used hypnosis to treat his patients in Paris and Vienna.

Unfortunately, Mesmer's understanding of hypnotism was flawed, as he believed it made use of "animal magnetism" (a term he himself coined) which was also considered an occult force. After making his claims known to the public, Mesmer was soon discredited.

On the other hand, Mesmer's method piqued the interest of many medical practitioners. This method was aptly named mesmerism, after its creator. These practitioners continued using Mesmer's method well into the 19th century, without fully comprehending its nature.

During the second half of the 19th century, James Braid (an English physician) began studying the phenomenon of mesmerization and even coined the terms hypnosis and hypnotism after the god of sleep Hypnos.

In the 1880s, hypnosis began to attract wide scientific interest. Ambroise-Auguste LiƩbeault (a lesser-known French physician) and Hippolyte Bernheim (a Strasburg professor of medicine) wrote a thesis on hypnosis, stating that it did not involve the use of physical forces and physiological processes.

They stated that it was, in fact, a psychologically mediated response to suggestions.

Sigmund Freud and Hypnosis

Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, became interested in the therapeutic potential of hypnosis and considered using it to battle neurotic disorders in his patients. Freud used hypnosis techniques to encourage his patients to recall past events that they had repressed over time.

However, once he began developing his renowned psychoanalysis method, he eventually discarded hypnosis. Instead, he turned to the free association method.

Regardless of Freud's rejection of hypnosis, this method was further researched, and certain techniques were used to help treat soldiers from PTSD symptoms.

Hypnosis Techniques

Hypnosis Techniques

Image source: Pinterest

In order to learn how to hypnotize someone without them knowing, you need to understand the different types of hypnosis techniques.

These techniques are also called hypnotic inductions, and there are a variety of different types you can use.

1. The Relaxation Technique

You've probably seen at least one movie where a therapist tells their client to sit down, relax and make themselves comfortable. Ultimately, you may have thought that this was just a matter of being polite. However, this is actually a hypnosis technique.

The relaxation technique is often used by therapists and for good reason. Once their client is relaxed, their mind will become open to suggestions. They will feel as if they are in a safe place, and will openly discuss their issues.

Here are some of the best and most commonly used relaxation methods used by therapists:

• Encouraging their patients to lay down on a couch
• Telling the patient to count down from 10 in their head
• Encouraging them to control their breathing by taking deep breaths
• Telling the patient to relax their muscles
• Speaking in a soft voice

2. Eye Cue Technique

The eye cue technique was developed by Stephen Brooks. Since the brain has two spheres, by using this technique you can gain a better understanding of how your subject is reacting to your statements. Furthermore, it can help you influence your subject to accept your suggestions. But first, it's important to know what to look for.

Although the brain has two sides that look alike, each half has control over certain functions and processes information in a different way. The right hemisphere is your conscious side, and it manages your creativity, whereas the left hemisphere is your subconscious side, and is more practical.

It's also important to note that even though the left and right sides of the brain are polar opposites, they cannot function independently of one another, and are, in fact, connected by nerve fibers.

If you want to master the eye cue technique, you will need to pay close attention to where your subject is looking when reacting to what you are saying. Consider where they are looking; left or right?

If they are looking right, they are accessing their conscious side. But if they are left, they are accessing their subconsciousness, which is when they will be susceptible to suggestions.

3. The Handshake Technique

Shaking someone's hand is the most common form of greetings. But did you know that there is a way to include a hypnotic trance-like state with a simple handshake?

The process involves engaging the subject in a conversation that starts off with a simple handshake. This form of communication is considered to be a change-oriented context, and this is how it works:

  • First, you need to engage in conversation with the subject. While doing so, make sure to look directly into the subject's eyes.
  • Reach out and offer your hand for a handshake. Proceed to shake the subject's hand as you would normally when greeting someone. After a few shakes, slow down the handshake.
  • Shift your pressure before slowly releasing the subject's hand, and slide your hand away.
  • If you are speaking to the subject, maintain a relaxed, monotone voice.
  • Keep looking into the subject's eyes while leaving their hand afloat, as if it's levitating.

The key elements involved in this technique are:

  • Fixating the subject's attention through eye gaze, pressure, and touch
  • Creating behavioral suspension
  • Developing a rhythmic pattern
  • Disrupting the subject's habitual framework

This handshake technique was developed by Milton Erickson, who is considered to be the father of hypnotherapy.

4. Levitating Arm Technique

Another famous Ericksonian technique is the levitating arm technique. First, the subject will need to close their eyes. Next, you will tell them to pay close attention to the feelings in their arms.

Then, you will make different suggestions as to what sensations they are feeling. For example, you can say that their arm feels light as a feather. This could cause the subject to lift their arms in a trance-like state.

5. Visualization Technique

Visualization is a key aspect when it comes to inducing a trance-like state. Here's how it's done:

  • Ask your subject to visualize a room they're familiar with. This room could be their living area, bedroom, kitchen, etc.
  • Next, ask them to visualize every detail in that room, from the floor, carpet, and windows, to the details on the walls, bookshelves, etc.
  • Tell the subject to recall a certain smell or feeling of the room.
  • Now tell your subject to visualize a room they are less familiar with, for example, your office.
  • As the subject struggles to remember the details within the room, their mind will be susceptible to suggestions. You can tell them that the room contains something that's actually not there, and the subject's mind will start to visualize the object.

Ultimately, visualization techniques should help the subject recall some of their most positive memories and convince them to associate these memories with rewarding behavior. Alternatively, it can also help change the subject's perception of a negative memory.

6. The Eye Fixation Technique

Zoning out is like being in a trance-like state. If you ever found yourself staring off into space and not paying attention to your surroundings, you've basically been hypnotized.

Therapists will typically use a swinging pocket watch or a pendulum as the object of focus, but you can basically use anything to induce this state.

The main thing to remember about eye fixation is that the object you're using should keep the conscious part of the mind occupied, all the while opening up the subconscious to suggestion.

Key Elements for How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

Key Elements

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Learning how to hypnotize someone without them knowing may seem as if it's difficult, however, by understanding the key elements involved in these techniques, you'll master hypnotism in no time!

The first thing you need to determine is what you're looking to achieve. Ultimately, there are many levels of hypnosis, from putting your subject into a trance-like state to achieving full hypnosis.

For beginners, it's essential to decide which techniques suit your style the best. After a while, you won't even need to use some of these techniques anymore!

1. Agreement Method

Have you ever wondered why salespeople are so persuasive? There is, in fact, a special method they use to convince you to buy something regardless of whether or not you actually need it.

By using a lot of questions that will make their subject answer with a resounding yes, they've created an agreement structure.

For example, start by saying someone's name. The obvious answer when you call someone by their name is yes.

Continue the agreement structure by stating something that's yet again, obvious. For example, if it's raining, say "it's raining". The subject will say yes it is.

After a few obvious statements, move onto something less obvious and see how the subject will react. Something like "it's too hot today". The subject may or may not agree with this statement, but that's perfectly fine. It will take some time to establish a rapport, so keep at it!

But once the subject starts agreeing with your every statement, you've mastered the agreement method!

2. Language Designs

There are dozens of language designs you can use. But if you're not familiar with what they are, here's what you need to know about them.

• You can use a variety of different language designs in a sentence to create a cumulative effect.
• Everyone uses language designs in everyday conversation.
• The best way to master them is to make a list and repeat them over and over.
• The best language designs for beginners are tag questions.

3. Tag Questions

A tag question should weaken your subject's resistance. What this means is that by asking a tag question, the other person will be less likely to disagree with your statement. For reference, here are some examples of tag questions:

• You're ready to go, aren't you?
• Today was a pleasant day, wasn't it?
• Your name is blank, isn't it?
• You haven't been abroad, have you?
• You want to master the art of hypnosis, don't you?
• You'd like to learn how to use language patterns, wouldn't you?
• You understand what I'm trying to say, don't you?

In order to learn how to use tag questions effortlessly, just start adding them to your daily conversations with other people.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Hypnotizing Someone Without Them Knowing

Step-By-Step Guide

In this step-by-step guide on how to hypnotize someone without them knowing, you'll learn how to secretly hypnotize your subject in order to open them up to suggestions. However, do not attempt to influence someone into doing something immoral.

Step 1: Fully Absorb Your Subject's Attention

The first and most important step when learning how to hypnotize someone without them knowing is to absorb their attention. What that means is that you need to make your subject forget about all the distractions around them, and focus their attention only on what you are doing.

The easiest way to do that is to talk about something that will pique your subject's attention. For example, talk about one of their hobbies. Ask them a question about their interests.

Once you have their attention, you can move onto the next step.

Step 2: Get Past the Critical Factor

The critical factor is your subject's conscious mind. In other words, it's that voice inside their head that will make them view things critically.

This voice is actually what keeps a person from making reckless decisions that can ruin their lives, so it's pretty important. But nevertheless, it can still make hypnotizing someone quite difficult.

The more your subject's conscious mind tells them they can't, or shouldn't do something, the more likely they are to resist following your suggestions.

But when you manage to tap into the unconscious mind, you're home-free. This part of your subject's mind won't overanalyze your suggestions, and will likely accept them.

Ultimately, there are a few things you can try to get past the critical factor:

  • Start by telling an engaging story that will hook your subject in.
  • Use a calming soothing tone when talking.
  • Maintain eye contact at all times.
  • Paint a detailed picture of what you're describing in order to keep your subject engaged.

Step 3: Tap Into Your Subject's Unconscious Response

The next step is to activate an unconscious response from your subject. If you can successfully receive an unconscious response of any kind with your subject, you have achieved getting your subject into a hypnotic state.

But, keep in mind that every subject will have a different reaction. For example, you may notice that your subject is looking to their left or right while you are speaking. If they are looking to their left, then you have tapped into their unconscious mind, and have successfully placed them into a hypnotic state.

Step 4: Use Hypnotic Suggestion

Hypnotic suggestion is essentially a directive given to a subject. This directive could be carried out while the subject is in a trance-like state.

The idea is to make your subject subconsciously imagine something you tell them to. For example, you could describe an apple pie to them. You will need to describe this pie in detail so your subject will eventually begin to believe they can smell the apples.

If this works, there is a good chance your subject will even start craving an apple pie.

Ultimately, you can apply this principle to anything. So, if you would like to encourage someone to stop smoking, you could describe the disgusting side of smoking to them while they're in a hypnotic state. Obviously, this may not work the first time you do it, but after a while, there is a good chance you will put them off cigarettes for good.

Step 5: Incorporate Audio Cues

Audio cues could be anything from a finger snap to a sneeze. However, the goal is to keep things as subtle as possible. So, how should you do that?

If you want to emphasize a specific word in order to make sure your subject registers it, you could add a subtle finger snap after saying the word. Here is an example:

• "I really liked that ice cream (finger snap) we had the other day."

Remember to do so every time you say ice cream. After a while. you can even refrain from saying the word and just incorporate the audio cue. This will cause the subject to think about ice cream each time you snap your fingers. You can do this with basically any word.

Step 6: Repeat The Process

The number one rule for learning how to hypnotize someone without them knowing is to repeat these steps as much as you can until you get the desired results. However, you will need to do so without making your subject suspicious of your intentions.

If your subject starts to suspect what you're doing, that will undo every painstaking attempt you've made at hypnotizing them. Here are a few ways to avoid getting caught:

• Make sure not to keep repeating your words the same way every time.
• Use different tag questions each time.
• Keep your voice soft throughout the "session". It's important to keep your subject calm and relaxed at all times.

Why Should You Learn How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing?

Why Should You Learn

Image source: Pinterest

If you want to learn how to hypnotize someone without them knowing, there's a good chance you're actually looking for ways to become more persuasive in your day-to-day life. Overall, hypnotism is a learnable skill that you can use for positive intentions.

Ultimately, you can even use covert hypnosis to improve your quality of life and achieve certain goals in your life that seemed impossible before.

For example, covert hypnosis can help you get that dream job you've always wanted. Using some of the techniques from this article can help you appear confident and trustworthy, so it's worth a try.

Or perhaps you'd like to impress your crush, but you're too shy to approach them for fear of being rejected. Covert hypnotism can help you overcome your fears!

All in all, if your intentions are pure, there's no reason why you shouldn't try out these methods.

Additional Tips for How to Hypnotize Someone Without Them Knowing

Additional Tips

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Hypnotizing someone without their knowledge is a great way to achieve something you've been longing to accomplish for a long time. Having the ability to give commands without someone registering them as commands can prove to be nothing short of a superpower.

But before you test out your hypnosis skills, here are a few more tips for how to hypnotize someone without them knowing.

1. Watch Your Subject Like a Hawk

In the art of hypnotism, becoming a master observer is crucial. You will need to closely observe your subject in order to see whether or not they are responding to your suggestions.

Furthermore, you will need to be able to discern when your subject is in a trance-like state and ready to receive those suggestions. In order to do so, you will need to learn how to read speech patterns and body language. This, of course, takes time and patience.

All in all, a master hypnotist is basically as close to a mind reader as you can get. With that in mind, you may want to brush up on your observation skills.

2. Work on Creating a Rapport

You will need to create a close and harmonious relationship with your subject in order to influence their ideas and feelings.

For this, you will also need to observe your subject in order to replicate their breathing, body language, stance, speech patterns, and overall demeanor.

Once your subject feels closer to you, it will be easier for you to hypnotize them.

3. Use Embedded Commands

Embedded commands are essentially words or phrases that are placed within a regular, everyday conversation.

You can use these commands to soften your words. Furthermore, they are also great for bypassing your subject's conscious mind in order to plant certain ideas directly into their subconsciousness.

Ultimately, embedded commands won't make your subject do anything you tell them to, and when used to manipulate, these commands are never successful.

4. Establish an Objective

Before venturing into covert hypnotism, you should establish an objective. Most people will try and fail at this skill because they don't have a clear idea of what outcome they would like to achieve.

Consider your reasons for wanting to learn how to hypnotize someone without them knowing. For example, would you like to learn this skill in order to hypnotize a job interviewer?

Or, would you like your crush to start noticing you more? Perhaps you're simply trying to boost your confidence? These are all valid reasons for wanting to learn this skill, but it's important to determine why you're learning it in the first place.

5. Be Patient

Mastering a skill takes time, and hypnotism is no exception. If you want to learn how to hypnotize someone without them knowing, you're going to need a lot of patience.

There will likely be plenty of failed attempts and disappointing outcomes before you get good at this skill, so don't give up too soon.

The Conclusion

You may not be aware of this, but hypnosis is quite common. Everyone gets hypnotized at some point in their lives, and what's more, most people aren't even aware of it.

When you're sitting in front of the television and an annoying commercial comes on, the more times you see it, the more it will become embedded in your brain. Furthermore, commercials tend to make people buy things they don't need for ridiculously high prices.

And let's not forget about getting hypnotized by a good book, TV show, or game!

Ultimately, if you want to learn how to hypnotize someone without them knowing, this guide will give you all the information you need in order to become a master covert hypnotist. Just remember to use your powers for good and not evil.

How To Hypnotize A Woman Secretly


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